The world's deepest well, Kola super-deep borehole (SG-3) 12262 m deep, is located in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers west of Zapolyarny town.

In the XIX century there was a huge demand for whale oil, which was widely used in lamps, candle making and as a lubricant for watch movements.

In Mytishchi, in honor of the 200th anniversary of the first centralized water supply, an unusual monument to water supply pipeline was opened.

The deepest pipeline in the world is the pipeline project TurkStream (Turkish Stream) passing from the Anapa district of the Krasnodar territory Russia under the Black sea to the European part of Turkey.

The longest offshore gas pipeline in the world is the Nord Stream pipeline, which runs from Russian Vyborg to German Lubmin along the bottom of the Baltic sea.

The longest gas pipeline in the world is the Chinese West-East gas pipeline, which includes one main line and 8 regional branches.

The longest oil pipeline in the world is the Eastern oil pipeline ("Eastern Siberia – Pacific ocean").

The largest vessel the world is a oil tanker Knock Nevis was built in 1974, its length was 458,45 meters and width 68,86 meters.

The deepest floating oil platform in the world, operating at a depth of about 2,450 meters in the Gulf of Mexico, is the "Perdido".

The highest among the drilling platforms is the deep-water oilfield platform Petronius, located 210 km from New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico.

The largest offshore drilling platform "Berkut", worth 12 billion dollars, is located in the Pacific ocean 25 kilometers from the coast of the Russian island of Sakhalin towards Japan.