Youth forum of the Volga Federal district "iVolga-2019" was held with the participation of LLC "Business Trend"

LLC "Business Trend" successfully passed the Supervisory audit of UKAS, confirming compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17020: 2012.

LLC "Business Trend" took part in the strategic session of the Analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation on the topic "Possible goals and forks in the development of the draft strategy of housing and communal services of Russia up to 2035".

Representatives of LLC Business Trend took part in the conference "Technical regulation in PJSC Gazprom". Voluntary Certification System InterGazCert: quality assurance mechanism of products, works and services of infrastructure projects of PJSC Gazprom»

Employees of LLC "Business Trend" at the invitation of Rosstandart took part in a round table on standardization.